Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The Future Which Was.

When I was child I saw the world with a completely different picture in comparison to the view with
which I see it today. My Imaginary future world was completely hypothetical but definitely far more
beautiful than than world in which we live today.
I used to think by the time I will be young,old and Grey the world will be vastly different and
completely amazing.
I used to watch movies with my big brothers movies on future about science
fiction,aliens,extraterritorial colonies,robots,fairies,flubbers,starship,future humans. This is how my
childhood shaped up thinking that one day I will get to see these things in my life.
One day we will have developed and clean technology,I will be able to go to extra terrestrial colonies.
I have always thought of meeting the alien who is friendly and wasn't different from me who will talk
to me in my own language and will give me gifts.
Some robot will come to save me if I will be in danger someday and will be my friend.
My imaginations didn't end here, I have thought of species that might came into existence by inter
breeding of humans and aliens which will be far more intelligent than us.
Last but the most impressive of all my childhood imaginations that I will meet Mahamanav of Super
commando Dhruv comics.

But as the time passed the kid in me died and I became a grown man who goes to office , earns salary
and sleeps. As I grew up , With me that kid and all those imaginations also died within me.
Today when I sit and think about all that and see the world around me I cannot even see a glimpse of
that world in today's where we live in. Nothing happened of that sort what I have thought of as a kid.
Its so same today or even worse than those years. There are no aliens today but definitely managers
who seem like one. 
There is no safer society but definitely some men trying to spread fear among the
society. No extra terrestrial colonies were found but definitely the relations with our neighbor has
worsened so we cannot go their country even. There is no friendship with Aliens but there is office
politics among friends for sure. No superhuman were found but some stupid politicians are there to
stop our growth and development.
I live in this world I survive in this world I enjoy in this world but this is not the world of my
Imagination for sure.

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